Photo of Carrie Obry

Carrie Obry

Executive Director

Midwest Independent Booksellers Association

Book Industry Member

Professional Bio

Carrie has had a love affair with books her whole life. In grade school, her favorite time of day was SQUIRT (Super Quiet Uninterrupted Independent Reading Time). In college, she studied literature and creative writing at a small school in Wisconsin, then headed to the big city to get a master’s degree in literary theory from New York University. While there, she began a career in publishing, working as a copyeditor and acquisitions editor as she moved to Chicago and then Minneapolis working for independent publishers. Carrie believes independent bookstores are that “great good place” (to quote Ray Oldenburg), essential to creating vibrant communities and sustaining literary culture. Contact her at


Photo of Midwest Independent Booksellers Association Midwest Independent Booksellers Association
MIBA Logo Book Industry Member

Do you identify as a member of any of the following groups?
White/Caucasian, LGBTQIA2S+
What are your favorite genres to read?
Fiction, Historical Fiction, Memoir, Nonfiction, Social Justice
What are the primary reasons booksellers should reach out to you?
Questions about navigating the bookselling industry and MIBA's programming.
Your Role
Administration, Events, Marketing
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