Industry Resources for Booksellers

The Book Industry Charitable Foundation helps the employees and owners of bookstores and comic shops with unforeseen emergency financial, medical, and mental health service needs.

  • Reach out for help. Binc is an empathetic, kind, and generous resource that has helped many booksellers through difficult times. Don't hesitate to connect with Binc if you are a bookseller experiencing unforeseen emergency financial needs
  • Donate today. Your action today gives those who work in book and comic stores a place to call for help when the unexpected happens. Whether it is an illness, hurricane, cancer diagnosis, the threat of losing one’s home– your contribution will give the gift of peace of mind and hope.

The Professional Booksellers School provides independent booksellers with specialized education, training, and accreditation. MIBA reimburses our member booksellers upon the successful completion of a course that leads to certification. PBS has recently started releasing independent study courses. We are currently evaluating our policy in regards to independent study.

View the list of MIBA's certified booksellers

Independent Bookselling Associations

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