Resource Library

We believe in coming together to help each other run successful indie bookstores. These resources have been compiled so we all can benefit from the work of our fellow bookseller colleagues. This page is viewable by MIBA members only. 

  • Submit a resource you use that helps you get your work done
  • Request a resource you need to help improve any area of your bookstore operations
  • Review the resources requested by your fellow booksellers and submit that tool if you have it available

Submit a resource

  • MIBA staff will be alerted when you submit a document. We will review and edit it to produce a generic version suitable for all-member use. Submit native files only (i.e., no PDFs) so we can edit the document before posting.

Submit here

Request a resource

  • We want to give our members access to tools needed to run a successful indie bookstore. Submit requests for the resources you'd like to see offered on this page. We will do our best to source it and make it available. 

Request here

View available resources

View requested resources

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