Photo of Macmillan Publishers

Macmillan Publishers

Dominique R. Jenkins Senior Manager, Author Events
Anne Hellman Field Sales Rep
Brant Janeway
Brian Lax Assistant Editor
Daniela Plunkett
Elena Guzman
Erin Coffey
Gwyneth Bechunas Field Sales Assistant
Holly Ruck Advertising
Jennifer Gonzalez
Johanna Allen Associate Director of Marketing
Kara Warschausky Advertising
Kelsey Marrujo Assistant Director of Publicity
Lauren Wengrovitz Associate Marketing Manager
Mary Beth Roche
Mary Vanakin
Megan McDonald Marketing Assistant
Melissa Campion Senior Director, Author Events
Melissa Weisberg Field Sales Rep
Melissa Zar
Nicole Schaefer
Robert Brown Associate Marketing Director
Stephanie Sirabian Sr. Associate Director, Ad/Promo Tom Doherty Assoc
Stuart Miller
Tim Greco VP, Field Sales, Special Markets, and Sales Strategy
Tom Leigh Field Sales Rep
Tom Thompson
Yvonne Ye TPG Ad/Promo Coordinator
Celadon Books
Celadon Books New York, NY
Drawn & Quarterly
Drawn & Quarterly Montreal, QC
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Farrar, Straus and Giroux New York, NY
Flatiron Books
Flatiron Books New York, NY
Roaring Brook Press
Roaring Brook Press
St. Martin's Press
St. Martin's Press New York, NY
Tor Books
Tor Books New York, NY
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In-House Sales Reps
Anne Hellman,, southern Wisconsin, Kansas, and Missouri Tom Leigh,,Minnesota, Iowa, northern Wisconsin, and Nebraska