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Dedicated E-Blast

Dedicated E-Blast

Supply an image to blast to our bookseller and industry members.

Average eblast stats:

  • ​40% open rate
  • 3% click-through
  • 1,300 reach

Eblast specs:

  • 600 W x 800H jpg, png, or gif, max file size 500k
  • one clickthrough
  • subject line provided by client
  • Assets are due 3 days prior to send date

Once your eblast is purchased, you will be given a link to schedule your eblast. To see an overview of our current eblast reservations, click here. Eblasts will only be reserved after payment and date reservation are completed.

Price: $300

What is the 13 digit ISBN of your featured title? Numbers only, do not use dashes.
What is the name of the book you will feature?

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